File php7-depdb-path.patch of Package php7

# pear installer from 1.10.1 installs .depdb{,lock} files into 
# %{buildroot}%{peardir} along with .lock, .registry, etc. when 
# metadata_dir is not set but does not install them if 
# metadata_dir is set; our Horde packages expect them there though, 
# (they rm them without -f) so always install them along
--- PEAR/Registry.php	2015-12-01 13:11:24.965179369 +0000
+++ PEAR/Registry.php	2015-12-01 13:18:42.036075538 +0000
@@ -325,6 +325,7 @@ class PEAR_Registry extends PEAR
                     $this->_config->set('php_dir', $this->install_dir);
+                    $this->_config->set('metadata_dir', dirname($this->lockfile));
                 $this->_dependencyDB = &PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton($this->_config);